Anemia – Symptoms & Causes

ANEMIA: Segment One

Are you pale, performing poorly or constantly tired? You could be suffering from Anemia – a lack of red blood cells.

The decisive parameters for the diagnosis of Anemia are a lack of red blood pigment (hemoglobin) and/or red blood cells (erythrocytes). Simply put; the proportion of blood cells (hematocrit) in the body is too low.  The number of red blood cells does not always correlate with the red blood pigment. The number of red blood cells may still be normal or even increased. However, red blood pigment is decreased.

As many of my readers know Vitalis Health is primarily a Colon-hydrotherapy  Clinic offering a holistic approach to detoxification. We are often asked about Parasite Anemia. This is where hook works feed off of the blood in our intestines causing a proportionate disruption of blood cells in the body. That said, Parasite Anemia is only one of the many forms of Anemia.

Anemia is a complex subject and requires an understanding on various levels. Therefore this article will be presented in three segments so you can get a complete understanding of subject.

  • Symptoms
  • Causes
  • Classifications of Anemia
  • Composition of Blood
  • Diagnosis
  • Analysis
  • Treatment & Therapy


The symptoms of Anemia are multiple. A simple diagnosis based on one of the symptoms is insufficient.

For example the often-described pale colour of the skin is a rather unspecific sign and needs further confirmation. Pale skin is often linked to the blood vessels narrowing in response to the lack of oxygen.

It is only when multiple symptoms are present that a diagnosis can be made, and then further confirmation must be gained to determine the type and severity of the malady.

Your naturopath can diagnose Anemia and can recommend a simple blood test to confirm the diagnosis. If Anemia is present, it is then important to determine the causes so that appropriate action can be taken.

Depending on the cause and severity, a change in diet, medication or medical interventions (e.g. to remove a source of bleeding) may be necessary. If the symptoms of Anemia are very pronounced, it may also be necessary to supply the missing amount of red blood cells via a blood transfusion.

The classic symptoms of Anemia include:

  • Fatigue
  • Poor concentration
  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Shortness of breath
  • Palpitations of the heart during exercise

Anemia occurs when there are not enough red blood cells in circulation. This can make people feel tired and exhausted. It happens that the skin loses color and becomes pale as a result. That said, remember that the pallor of the skin is a rather uncertain sign of Anemia. Concentration can also be impaired, and people can feel dizzy when exerting themselves. Some patients complain of hissing or pounding in the ears or freezing quickly.

If the extent of the anemia is greater, the heartbeat may accelerate (tachycardia). The pulse weakens, sweats, dizziness and possibly even shortness of breath and fainting spells occur. Particularly in patients with a previously damaged heart, the lack of oxygen supply to the pump organ and the increased stress caused by the increased heartbeat can lead to a heart attack.

The blood loss is sometimes gradual. If small amounts of blood are lost over a long period of time, anemia may develop without the person noticing. The body compensates for the slow loss. Up to two thirds of the blood cells can be gradually lost without those affected feeling more of it than a little tiredness and exhaustion.

Nevertheless, such blood losses are dangerous under certain circumstances – therefore, if you often feel weak and persistent fatigue, you should consult your naturopath  to have possible causes clarified.

Symptoms of iron deficiency Iron deficiency is the leading cause of anemia. In addition to the symptoms of anemia mentioned above, there are signs that indicate that the body is lacking this important trace element: cracks can form at the corners of the mouth (perlèche, lazy corners). The fingernails become more brittle and may develop grooves. The hair falls out more easily. Repeated painful inflammations (aphthae) can occur in the oral mucosa. The lining of the mouth, tongue, and esophagus can also suffer, causing pain when swallowing and a burning tongue (Plummer-Vinson syndrome). In addition, many people report chronic itching.

Symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency If there is a deficiency in vitamin B12, neurological symptoms can occur in addition to general symptoms of anemia: unsteady gait, paralysis, painful tingling and numbness in the hands and feet. If the neurological symptoms are unclear, the possibility of a vitamin B12 deficiency should therefore always be considered.

In addition, pernicious anemia (pernicious anemia, Biermer’s disease) should be mentioned. It is also caused by a vitamin B12 deficiency – but it is due to an autoimmune disease. The disease leads to the destruction of certain stomach cells, the parietal cells. These normally produce a protein that is responsible for binding and absorbing vitamin B12: the intrinsic factor. If it is missing, the body cannot absorb vitamin B 12. The cause of the disease is atrophic gastritis (inflammation of the stomach lining). Typical symptoms of pernicious anemia are, in addition to the symptoms mentioned above, changes in the mucous membrane of the tongue (Hunter glossitis) with a smooth red tongue and a burning tongue. However, this form of anemia is very rare. Sometimes pernicious anemia accompanies an underactive thyroid gland (hypothyroidism).

Causes of Anemia

The causes of Anemia can be varied and also combined. In addition to impaired blood formation, increased blood breakdown or loss can also prevail.

Normally there is a balance between blood formation and blood breakdown or blood loss. This balance is disturbed in Anemia.

In addition to these conditions there is  Anemia in chronic diseases, infectious Anemia is the second most common form of Anemia after iron deficiency Anemia. This form of Anemia develops in a chronic disease – for example in the case of prolonged inflammation and infections such as tuberculosis or diabetes mellitus, but also malignant diseases and autoimmune diseases.

Classification of the forms of anemia

Next in the list of discussion topics is the Classification of the forms of anemia There are two main groups Disturbed blood formation and Increased breakdown or loss of red blood cells.

In the case of Disturbed blood formation possible reasons are changes in the stem cells in the bone marrow, from which all other blood cells are formed, or a displacement of healthy blood formation due to diseases of the bone marrow. Other causes can be a deficiency in iron, vitamin B12 or folic acid as well as (chronic) kidney diseases, through which too little of the hormone erythropoietin is produced. Erythropoietin normally signals the bone marrow to produce blood cells, and 90% of it is made in the kidneys after birth.

In the case of Increased breakdown or loss of red blood cells possible causes are acute or chronic bleeding, enlargement of the spleen (the usual breakdown site for red blood cells), but also increased breakdown of erythrocytes (hemolysis), for example due to infectious diseases, metabolic disorders or drugs.

In the next segment of this article we will break down further the categories of Anemia . Identifying related symptoms and causes but also linking the various elements of diagnosis and treatment.

The causes of Anemia are diverse. Under no circumstances should therapy be carried out on your own without a clarification and recommendation from your therapist, naturopath or doctor. Because a treatment that is very helpful in one form of Anemia – such as the administration of iron – can even be harmful in the long term in another type of Anemia.

Cleaning out your colon with a colon Hydrotherapy session can help with Anemia and many other health challenges.