Application form

Please fill out this application form and we will contact you shortly for an interview to make sure that you are starting your career on the right foot 🙂

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Date of Birth

Course Choice

This application is for enrollment in:
First Semester = Jan-June. Second Semester = July to December.
Note - International students need to pay the full amount upfront.


If your records have been expunged pursuant to applicable law, you are not required to answer yes to the following questions. If you are unsure whether to answer yes, we strongly suggest that you answer yes and fully disclose all incidents to avoid any risk of disciplinary action or revocation of your offer of admission.

Are you currently or have you ever been charged with or subject to disciplinary action for scholastic or any other type of misconduct at any educational institution?
Have you ever been charged with a violation of the law which resulted in, or if still pending could result in, probation, community service, a jail sentence, or the revocation or suspension of your driver’s license (including traffic violations which resulted in a fine of $200 or more?)

Studies and Work experience

List each subject you have studied, at what level (e.g. CertIV, Diploma etc) and when you finished the studies.
List the job, your title, description, hours per week, and dates of employment.
Do you have family obligations that keep you from studying full time?

For Non-Australian Citizens Only


I understand that this application is for admission only for the term indicated. I agree that I am bound by the Vitalis Training Center regulations concerning application deadlines and admission requirements. I agree to the release of any transcripts and test scores to this institution. I certify that this information is complete and accurate. I understand that making false or fraudulent statements within this application or residency statement will result in disciplinary action, denial of admission and invalidation of credit or degrees earned. If admitted, I agree to abide by the policies and the rules and regulations of the Vitalis Training Center. Should any information change prior to my entry into the Vitalis Training Center, I will notify the Office of Admissions.
Do you understand and agree to the terms listed above?
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