Your Digestive Organ: The Intestines

Many people do not realize the importance of healthy digestion until the intestines cause discomfort. Whether cake, tomato, or medication, everything has to go through the intestines. An adult’s intestine is about eight meters long and its main task is to absorb everything we need in terms of nutrients from the food.

The anatomy of the intestine:

Food passes through the intestines on its way to the natural exit, the anus. First, it enters the stomach, and from there it moves to the “C”-shaped duodenum. Which is the first part of the small intestine in which a large part of the nutrients is absorbed. The other two parts of the small intestine are called the Jejunum and Ileum.

The Chyme (broken-down food) flows into the large intestine through the ileocaecal valve. Its task is to remove the last nutrients from the stool which are commonly water and salts. The large intestine forms a kind of frame around the small intestine. It is divided into ascending, transverse, and descending sections. The region in which the chyme enters the large intestine is called the cecum. The appendix is also a well-known part of the digestive tract since it’s the organ related to the common painful disease called appendicitis.
The last section of the large intestine is the rectum. It is the canal where the stool passes through as it finally leaves the body.

There are many diseases of the intestine. Among the main symptoms caused by intestinal diseases are diarrhea, constipation, bloating, and blood in the stool. What lies behind it can quite vary: The spectrum of causes ranges from irritable bowel to gastrointestinal infections and chronic inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, and bowel cancer. To recognize the latter as early as possible, it is recommended to take part in preventive examinations, such as sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy, to which all legally insured persons aged 50 and over are entitled.

Many people are particularly embarrassed by these intestinal diseases. Hemorrhoids, fistulas, or fissures are unpleasant, but can usually be treated well. Therefore, one should not hesitate, but rather discuss it with their health care provider.

Cleaning out your colon with a Holistic colon Hydrotherapy session can help with your digestion and many other health challenges.